Monday, March 10, 2008

From the Archives, Volume II

Friday, December 29, 2006

Milky's Greatest Moment of 2006

Several years ago, at the radio station I still DJ at (, I created a pre-recorded show for the automation player, which is basically a CD player which plays pre-recorded shows when no one is available to DJ. I still hear it every once in a while, especially over the summer, when there are fewer people around to DJ.

Fast forward to June 2006. I'm returning from a night of drinking at the Ale n' Wich to Reverend Quill's house on Woodbridge St. for the after-party. As we're walking upstairs, I hear a very familiar song coming from one of the rooms. I paused, quietly, to listen.. it was Squidvicar! Now, Squidvicar is an immensely obscure band, being that they've put out only one EP, which wasn't released by any record label, and only available through the Hammer & Tongs website (Squidvicar's alter-ego, who've directed some of the greatest music videos ever, as well as the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy motion picture). So, obviously, you can see my puzzlement here.

I whispered to the Reverend, "that's Squidvicar! who lives in that room?"

"Two lesbians," replied the Reverend.

Then, I heard my own voice.

"What the fuck! That's my radio show!"

"Oh yeah, they're big fans of the Core," the Reverend informed me.

So, it turns out two lesbians were merely listening to my old radio show. Drunkenly, The Reverend stumbles into their room, looking for beer and/or pot.

"Ooops. Sorry."

The Reverend quickly turned around and closed the door.

"I think they were having sex."

So there you have it. Two lesbians were having sex while listening to my radio show.
Easily the greatest moment of 2006, and easily a strong contender for the All-Time Greatest Moments Top Ten. God bless the Core, and God bless lesbians. I love you all.

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